Posts tagged "patients"

Kudos Health and Findacure are hosting the second #KudosHealthDay for patients and patient groups.

Kudos Health and Findacure are hosting the second #KudosHealthDay for patients and patient groups. The topic this time is social research and how to go about it. Whether it be to assess the impact of a project, identify a community’s research priorities, or collect evidence on the burden of disease on patients and their families, social research can be very valuable to the work of rare disease patient organisations - but getting started can be a difficult process. Kudos Health are working in partnership with Findacure to deliver this workshop, which will cover what social research is, how patient organisations can benefit from conducting social research, best practice, and how to avoid common pitfalls. The workshop will conclude with an interactive forum, which will help patient organisations to plan and oversee their next social research project. The workshop is free to attend. Please contact for more information and to register.

Kudos Health are proud to sponsor the BOBI ‘Best Patient-Centric Approach’ award

Kudos Health are proud to sponsor the BOBI ‘Best Patient-Centric Approach’ award

As a premium healthcare data-collection provider, Kudos Health are proud to sponsor the BOBI ‘Best Patient-Centric Approach’ award. Making a real difference to patients’ lives is something we care deeply about, and we know that insightful patient research is reliant on quality data. In the course of our research we excavate the stories that help to drive real understanding and action within the pharma industry. We are excited to help identify issues around needs, usability and effectiveness. It is vital work that helps put patients front and centre of the development of medical treatment and care

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If you would like to discuss your research needs and aims - for advice or for a no-obligation quote - please get in touch:

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Address: 4 Cam Road, London, E15 2SN, UK

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Tel: +49 (0) 302 202 7361
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Address: c/o Unicorn, Schlüterstr. 39, 10629 Berlin, Germany

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