Posts tagged "healthcare"

Kudos Health and the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

Kudos Health and the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

To all our panel members, clients, connections, friends and colleagues, we wanted to touch base with all of you and keep you updated on what is going on at Kudos Health. 

Our two offices in London and Berlin are still operational. Almost all of our employees are currently working from home with a few still working from the office. 

We have started four new projects in the last three days and we intend to keep working unless respective governments instruct us otherwise. 

We believe that it is important to make the best of the situation and to keep busy. 

Working on projects also helps us support the WHO’s COVID-19 Response Fund. We are donating the equivalent of Pound/Euro 5 per interview we conduct. This has already been implemented on all of our surveys.

It seems like this situation will last a long while and we at Kudos Health have decided to be pragmatic about it. Early research suggests that effected people build resistance to the virus and are hopefully protected when the next waves come. There will be vaccines at some point but we all know how long it can take for them to be available to everyone. The good news is that there are first clinical trials. 

Until there is a solution we all have to be vigilant, follow WHO’s instructions and look after each other. Be kind!

We will keep you updated on projects and where we stand.

Thank you everyone for all your support! In the meantime, stay safe and stay healthy!

The Kudos Health Team
Kudos Health sponsor the 2019 BHBIA Best Use of Innovation Award 

As a premium healthcare data-collection provider in the market research industry, Kudos Health are proud to sponsor the BOBI ‘Best Use of Innovation’ award. As well as staying ahead in the intelligence stakes, success requires that we pioneer new ways of looking at, responding to and acting on challenges that arise. Companies have to be nimble and innovative to provide clients with the service and results they demand. This creative agility is something we pride ourselves on and are delighted to celebrate in the industry.

BHBIA Awards 2019








Life Sciences: From discovery to pharmaceutical and biotech products

Life Sciences is an exciting and fast-moving industry. Some of the world’s most innovative organisations, from universities, researchers, biotech and pharma giants to start-ups, are working furiously at a rich seam of innovative technologies to produce advances that ultimately make life better for everyone.

Kudos Research has an unparalleled level of data-collection experience in the field of Life Sciences and offer a holistic, solutions-focussed end-to-end services to support the research process throughout. As such, we are well positioned as the leading data collection specialist for this audience globally.


Our detailed grasp of the processes for the discovery, development and commercialisation of new pharmaceutical and biotech products, enables us to accurately identify and engage with experts at each stage of the process. At the research stage in the process, we help clients conduct a dialogue with researchers, lab technicians, lab managers, and procurement personnel in academia, bio-pharma research, commercial/biological research, government, and pharma research.

Testing and Analytics

Once the primary research has been done, thorough testing helps to ensure that the new product really will fly. Understanding commercial opportunity is like learning how a new molecule affects an organism. Just as the novel technology has been proven physiologically, so its performance in the wild must be properly tested and understood.At the testing stage of the process, we talk to lab technicians, QA/QC technicians, lab managers, and procurement in the following sectors - environmental, food & beverage, forensic, chemical & industrial, government, cosmetics, medical labs, diagnostics and testing.


Successful commercialisation all the way from up- to downstream of bioprocesses means working closely with pharma/bio-pharma manufacturing scientists, heads of pharma/biopharma manufacturing, pharma/bio-pharma management, and pharma/bio-pharma procurement in bio-pharma manufacturing, bio-pharma research & development, pharma manufacturing, and pharma research & development.

Kudos Health: Life Sciences Panel of Experts

We have panels of life sciences experts and stakeholders in the US, China, Japan, Korea, the UK, Germany and France. Our panel members stand ready to contribute their insight at any stage. We offer every conceivable methodology for fieldwork, whether quantitative, qualitative, or a mix of both.

We use market-leading CATI and CAWI technology where appropriate to help the research run smoothly and efficiently. We can go in via the phone or online or mixed mode and screen sharing.

Our experienced moderators can conduct depth interviews or recruit for them to be conducted by others.Our work includes online quantitative and depth interviewing over the telephone from our international call centre in London.

Some projects combine these two methodologies. We have conducted depth interview projects involving online max-diff exercises and/or concept testing using screen-shared materials. We have even run recruitment drives to full day workshops.

For more infomation please contact

Are you working in the life sciences industry and want to join our panel of experts?

Sign up here:




KudosHealthDay -Getting Patient Groups Ready for GDPR -Free to attend

#KudosHealthDay -Getting Patient Groups Ready for GDPR

This is a free invite only event for patient groups, please contact: if you want to be included.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most significant change to data protection in the UK and EU since 1995. Designed for the digital age, with strengthened individual rights and greater business accountability, it will impact organisations of all sizes processing personal data.   

The new regulation will be enforced in all EU Member States from May 2018 meaning that compliance must be a top priority for UK-based organisations.  It’s vital that patient organisations are ready to meet the new obligations and responsibilities that the GDPR will bring, especially in light of decline in public trust if data protection responsibilities not met as well as the more robust enforcement regime under the GDPR.

Our GDPR expert speaker will talk about the impact of GDPR and how organisations need to prepare for this important change of data protection legislation. 

She will offer advice and tips on best GDPR practice. Her presentation will take around 60 minutes followed by a Q&A session of around 30 minutes. 

Volker Balk, Head of Kudos Health will advice on what to do next and where to find relevant information for patient groups to achieve compliance.

Findacure will provide an update on their important work. Findacure is a UK charity that builds the rare diseases community to drive research and develop treatments.

The workshop is hosted by Kudos Health and free to attend. This event is to support and empower patient advocacy and patient groups.

Light refreshments will be provided and the building has disability-friendly access. The closest station is Stratford which also has disability friendly access.

This is a free invite only event for patient groups, please contact: if you want to be included.

Register here

Kudos Health are proud to sponsor the BOBI ‘Best Patient-Centric Approach’ award

Kudos Health are proud to sponsor the BOBI ‘Best Patient-Centric Approach’ award

As a premium healthcare data-collection provider, Kudos Health are proud to sponsor the BOBI ‘Best Patient-Centric Approach’ award. Making a real difference to patients’ lives is something we care deeply about, and we know that insightful patient research is reliant on quality data. In the course of our research we excavate the stories that help to drive real understanding and action within the pharma industry. We are excited to help identify issues around needs, usability and effectiveness. It is vital work that helps put patients front and centre of the development of medical treatment and care

Apply here

Kudos Health Peer-To-Peer Survey

The Kudos Health Peer-to-Peer Survey

In between our usual projects, we want to engage the healthcare community in a process of knowledge sharing between members and non members of the Kudos Health Panel. The idea is to pool and share our considerable knowledge among the healthcare community. We are conducting a peer-to-peer survey designed to find out the answers to questions you want to ask each other.

Thank you to everyone who fed back to us so far! We got some excellent questions and notes, which we will include in our peer-to-peer survey.

Acting for some of the biggest players in the industry, we can see the direct impact our research has on the quality of products and services in the sector. That is good for all of us. We owe so much to you for helping us, so a massive thank you for supporting Kudos Health! Together we are genuinely contributing to the sum of knowledge in Healthcare.


Kudos Health are proud sponsors of rare disease charity Findacure.




Kudos Health are proud sponsors of rare disease charity findacure.

A rare disease is a condition that affects less than 1 in 2,000 people. Because of their rarity, these conditions are often overlooked and underfunded.

Patients can take years to get an accurate diagnosis, and only 400 of the 7,000 rare diseases have a licensed treatment. The multiple stakeholders tend to work in silos and patients can face isolation and related mental health issues.

Findacure is a small, Cambridge-based rare diseases charity. They focus on building the rare diseases community and working with it to drive research and develop treatments.

Findacure projects are split into three main areas:

Patient group training: in rare diseases, most patient groups are “kitchen-table” organisations. Findacure give them the training they need in the form of workshops, webinars, online resources and peer mentoring.

Bringing the community together: Findacure hold an annual conference, networking events and a student essay competition to raise awareness of rare diseases and bring all the multiple stakeholders together.

Drug repurposing: Findacure are working with patient groups and researchers to match existing, off-patent drugs to treat rare diseases. This is much faster, cheaper and safer than novel drug discovery, which is ideal for underfunded rare diseases.  

Findacure’s work mostly takes place in the UK but, as many of the patient groups they support are international ones, it is to the benefit of patients across the world.

Similarly, any research done in their drug repurposing programme is of benefit to people everywhere in the world.

As a charitable organisation, Findacure relies on the generosity of individuals, companies, trusts, and foundations to carry out their projects.

One of the most beneficial ways you can support Findacure is by donating. Having a rare disease can be one of the most isolating, devastating, and painful experiences imaginable. Every penny Findacure raise gives them the power to change that.

Donate to Findacure Foundation

"Supporting Findacure is very important to Kudos Health," said Volker Balk, Head of Kudos Health, " the team is very excited about this and already started to spread the word to clients and participants. We support Findacure with donations and plan to support with facilities and research services."

Libbie Read, Findacure Fundraising & Comms Officer, presenting at Kudos Health


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If you would like to discuss your research needs and aims - for advice or for a no-obligation quote - please get in touch:

London Office

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7490 7888
Fax: +44 (0) 20 3217 2889

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 4 Cam Road, London, E15 2SN, UK

Berlin Office

Tel: +49 (0) 302 202 7361
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: c/o Unicorn, Schlüterstr. 39, 10629 Berlin, Germany

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